15 Mar Spring is Just around the Corner!

Kathleen painting in her Florida studio. What does she see deep within those artist’s eyes?
Hello dear friends,
It’s been a good month for me since my last blog. So many family and friends are getting their vaccinations. Hopefully you are too. I have had both of mine and feel like I’m wearing a “Superman Cape” along with my mask!
Along with lots of painting, I’m tackling the steep learning curve of virtual teaching. Working with a few incredible folks from the New Mexico Watercolor Society (NMWS). We are learning together. The results of our hard work will be my first on-line class the first week of May.
I’m thrilled and honored with the news that my painting “Searching for Zen” won the Board of Directors Award (5th place) at the International Watercolor Exhibition in Houston, Texas. I’m enjoying working in this “Searching Series” and I’m not done yet!
Creatively yours, Kathleen

Searching for Zen