
Kathleen painting in her Florida studio. What does she see deep within those artist’s eyes?

Hello dear friends,

It’s been a good month for me since my last blog.  So many family and friends are getting their vaccinations.  Hopefully you are too.   I have had both of mine and feel like I’m wearing a “Superman Cape” along with my mask!

Along with lots of painting, I’m tackling the steep learning curve of  virtual teaching.  Working with a few incredible folks from the New Mexico Watercolor Society (NMWS).  We are learning together.  The results of our hard work will be my first on-line class the first week of May.

I’m thrilled and honored with the news that my painting “Searching for Zen” won the Board of Directors Award (5th place) at the International Watercolor Exhibition in Houston, Texas.  I’m enjoying working in this “Searching Series” and I’m not done yet!

Creatively yours, Kathleen


Searching for Zen




Hello my friends in art,

There is no limit to the beautiful Flora and Fauna in Florida, therefore no limit to my inspiration for painting, just not enough hours in the day.  It is a challenge to designate specific painting time for exploring new inspirations.   Last month I focused on my entry for the international competition of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America (TWSA) called “Searching 21”, which you see below.  It was very time consuming but I am pleased with the results.


With February at hand, I painted Roses!  Two of these paintings were featured in the newsletter this month.  You can find them on this website in “Hot off the Easel”.  They are both paintings of the Peace Rose, my favorite.   Beginning this week I am painting the beautiful white flowered “Bird of Paradise”,  just for the love of painting.  This “play time” is my teacher in what makes me a better painter.   I hope you will browse through my galleries and enjoy the various styles and images.


If you are looking for an inspiring exhibition to view, please consider the 12th Annual International Watermedia Signature Exhibition at the Fallbrook Art Center, Fallbrook, CA.   A painting from my “Searching” series is on exhibit there.

The new year is here and with it comes hope of better times ahead.  I made it to Florida and thankfully have now had the COVID Vaccine.  I look forward to a time when we can all have the vaccine and slowly be together again.   In the meantime, my focus is on “transparency” as I paint a competition piece for the Transparent Watercolor Society (TWSA).  It is consuming all my time and energy.  My goal is always to focus on becoming a better painter.  Being consistent, painting every day is helping accomplish that goal.    Best wishes to all of you in accomplishing your goals in 2021!  Kathleen

A view from my Studio

Autumn, besides beautiful Fall colors, preparation for winter and Holiday anticipation is the season for art competitions.  I will be taking some of my “creative time” and applying it to the computer to navigate the tech world of ever changing on-line entering!  This includes resizing images, filling out forms and mustering patience to wait for results.

There is a very inspiring kickstart to my entering that I am thrilled to share with you.  I just received word from the New England Watercolor Society (NEWS): “Congratulations, you have won the Memorial Award for Innovation in Art” – $500 for ‘Lines of Change‘ featured above.  I’m especially honored to have received this personal critique from the judge, international master Paul Jackson: “Adventurous use of line, playing off the knots of phone and electric cable make this painting energetic and inviting.  The hint of a narrative, limited palette and clever use of detail show the artist’s mastery of medium”.

I’ll be going to the studio today with an extra bounce in my step!

Stay safe, be well and Art often, my friends!  Whatever your creative medium may be from cooking to gardening to making gifts, we’ll get through this together!  Giving thanks for all of you, Kathleen

It’s time to harvest the last of my lovely “crops”, clean up and mulch the garden for winter and enjoy the last of the blooming flora.  I’ve enjoyed my garden more this summer than ever: digging, planting, growing, being inspired and having the time to paint it!  In these crazy times it’s wonderful to be connected to something “real”!  It doesn’t get much more real for me than working in the dirt and, today, eating the last of my home grown peaches.  However, I didn’t paint the peaches, I painted the flora and ate the peaches!  Until next month, stay safe and well my friends.  Kathleen

Imaginative imagery.

Summer’s long days of sunshine are waning but I’m happy to share with you another source of brightness  …. the ability to take virtual tours of art exhibitions, thanks to the work of organizers and curators.  How nice to see the finest in contemporary paintings from your favorite comfy chair!  My blog post in August has a link to the TWSA National Exhibition of which I was a part.  Just scroll down to see and visit the beautiful artwork at the Kenosha Public Museum.

Most recently I was notified of getting an award at the 47th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia (RMNW) Exhibition for my painting “Searching”.  It is held at the Center for the Arts Evergreen (Colorado) and runs through October 24.  Click here to view.

The imagery of “Searching” holds personal meaning for me which includes: the Blackbird as messenger, the Origami Crane is a prayer for peace, the Dragonfly represents our fragility, and the Horse is a universal symbol for our journey.   When “Searching” returns home from the exhibition, I will post it “for sale” on this website.

Stay safe and enjoy the beauty of fall.  Kathleen

The Gallery Walk

Along with enjoying this beautiful summer, I felt very honored and excited to teach my first workshop since the beginning of COVID restraints.

The Transparent  Watercolor Society (TWSA) located in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this year asked me to judge their annual competition,  to give a gallery walk, and  to teach a workshop!   This exciting competition was held at the wonderful Kenosha Public Museum.   TWSA and the Museum were very thorough with safety precautions and I felt confident we would all be safe (and we all are).   TWSA is a highly competitive, prestigious and national exhibition.

If you would like to see this beautiful artwork go to:  and click on “View Virtual Gallery” to enjoy the entire 2020 TWSA exhibition.  I also invite you to take a walk with me as I explain the criteria used for designating the TWSA awards.  Just click on “Gallery walk with Kathleen Conover”.

Please stay safe, be well and live gratefully.  Kathleen

Nature!  That calming spiritual place for connecting with all things important.  In times like these it is where I want to be and it doesn’t get better than Lake Superior in the summer!  With workshops cancelled, my silver lining in the Covid-cloud is free time to walk to the beach, head out to Presque Isle Park and paint Lake Superior.  It is always different, inspiring and grounding.  Whether at the shore or in my home studio, I am thoroughly happy having the time to do what I love most….painting.

I hope all of you have also found your “happy place” and get to visit (physically or virtually) often.  Stay well, my friends.   Kathleen

Kathleen Conover and Lake Superior Beach

Kathleen Conover back home in Marquette

I can’t express how wonderful it is to be back home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Maybe the best way is to share this photo beside beautiful Lake Superior with it’s crystal clear water (and chilly!) and beautiful sandy beach.   The weather has been warm and welcoming to this artist so I can get outside and do some “Plein Air Painting” , the popular term for painting outside on location.   As a solitary activity, it has the bonus of being social distanced.   Although painted many, many times, I’m still drawn to Marquette’s iconic “lighthouse” and the old Coast Guard Station with its rocky coastline.  I’ll share a few of the results in the next “Hot off the Easel” Newsletter.

It’s interesting, in reflection, how we often don’t recognize the importance of certain things we have in our lives.  But, take them away, and we realize how much we miss them.  Please be safe, stay healthy and live in gratitude, my friends.  (Elbow) hugs, Kathleen

Before packing up my Florida Studio and heading north, I wanted to share with you one of the buried painting tips on my table.  This is a fun way to practice your bold brushwork, try a new color combination and challenge yourself compositionally.

1.  Take a piece of watercolor paper, 22″ x 30″ and divide it in eighths with masking tape.

2.  Choose your colors (I chose Daniel Smith’s Quin. Burnt Orange and Imperial Purple) and paint using bold, loose brush strokes.  Don’t think about images or subjects,  just about the variety, shape and line in your brushstrokes.

3.  Cut each piece apart and resolve each one.  Of course, this is the challenge!  Start by looking at each one independently, upside down and sideways.  Choose one that triggers your        creativity and get started.  Let your imagination go wild.  There is no right or wrong, good or bad, just doing!

4.  The four finished paintings are the same four as in the top row of the 8 “starts”.  My favorite is the finished one below which is from the bottom row of the eight starts.  I liked its simplicity and that I could retain the initial gestural brushstrokes which established the attitude of this stylized portrait.


I hope you give this a try in our continued period of cancellations and found time in the studio.  And don’t forget to have fun!  Creatively yours, Kathleen