15 Oct October 2022
This is a difficult month to write my blog because of the emotional yo-yo overload! The eye of Hurricane Ian, the worst hurricane to ever hit Florida, went through my winter studio like a giant dough mixer, just like it did to the surrounding barrier islands in southwest Florida. Still, I feel incredibly fortunate. The last count of people who have died is 136, yet my extended Florida “tribe” is all safe. We can repair and rebuild but so many, including my brother, must scrape their lots of the debris that had been their homes. Here is a snapshot of what used to be my Studio….(…very blurry due to scarce internet service)…but it says so much.
The “up swing” of my yo-yo month was a great trip planned by my daughter for a hot air balloon ride from a barge in the middle of Lake Tahoe. It was perfect in every way! Of course, we took a hundred pictures. But, where will my inspiration land from all this? Plenty to be inspired by, but I might be too occupied in the land clean-up to get much painting done. Time will tell. Stay safe and hug your loved ones. Kathleen
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