15 Aug Last Fleeting Days of Summer!
Are we in August already? I hope everyone is making the most of the last fleeting days of summer. I’m trying to do that with lots of En Plein Air painting practice. Two weeks ago I joined an artist friend at “camp” where we focused on (guess what) painting!!
This past weekend was my first big Plein Air Painting Festival! It was held in beautiful Glen Arbor, Michigan. And, it was a success! The first night I won an award for “North Country Road”! It caught the judge’s eye partly because it was watercolor while most paintings were oil and acrylic. The second night both of my exhibited works sold – an extra bonus!
One of those paintings, “Drifting”, was of an actual fisher-person in a canoe, out early when we started painting at 7:30 a.m. It was all such fun! Really hope to do a couple more Plein Air Festivals next year! Keep on painting my friends, Kathleen.
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