15 Jul Inspirations
I’ve just returned from a wonderful Plein Air painting opportunity at Lake Tahoe, CA. Besides the stunning landscapes (I could paint from for the rest of my life!) I realized that just as inspirational were the 9 other artists in the group! Each artist with their own vision, perspective, palette of color, handling of the brushes, etc., painted from the same location. At the end of the week we shared our work and what an exciting collection of paintings it was! Included were watercolors, acrylics and drawings, some totally abstracted, some very location-specific, 8″ x 10″ to full sheets 22″ x 30″. But each one was wonderful and created from its unique spark of inspiration.
Here is one of my favorite views that inspired me to paint and, actually, I painted a few times before I could capture the feeling I wanted. But, as inspiring as the landscape was, more so were my fellow artists. Once again, I learned the lesson of a little quote hanging on my wall: “Hearts can inspire other hearts with their fire!” I hope you all have an inspired rest of your summer. Kathleen
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