Flora and Fauna

Nature and it’s complexities has always been a passion of Kathleen’s.  The expressive results are most often seen in paintings of flowers, horses and birds.  In Kathleen’s words; “My images are always symbolic of human experiences,  my own personal inspirations, joys, interests and concerns  in life.”  


Flower paintings often include buds, full blooms, dead flowers and seed pods, representing man’s own cycles of life/death/life.


The Horses also carry a message beyond the beauty of the animal to symbolize perseverance in our journeys as we reach a “gentle place of acceptance”.


Birds have always been significant in Kathleen’s work.  A repeated image and messenger throughout her life.  Recent work includes the Raven, a creature of high intelligence, creativity, strong family ties, complex communication and, like us, possesses great survival intelligence.

Sunset Poppies
Kathleen Conover watercolor of one of my favorite creatures Dragonflies.
Found Object
Kathleen Conover flora watercolor painting of bright red poppies.
Poppy Pandemonium
Collecting Calla
Kathleen Conover uses watercolors to paint beautiful red poppies!
Color of Summer
Kathleen Conover uses watercolors to paint a whimsical, swirling and colorful field of flowers.
Summer Jubilee
Kathleen Conover uses watercolors to paint the soft and colorful calla lilies.
Calla Quartet
Kathleen Conover uses watercolor to paint horses representing life's journey.
Journey Horse
Kathleen Conover uses watercolor to paint these beautiful horses representing life's journey.
Dream Runner
Garden Gala
Walkin’ the Line