Continuing Resolution to Paint More!

Continuing Resolution to Paint More!

February in Florida I continue the resolution to “paint more”!  My recent focus is working on frozen-crystal textures and the beauty of winter.  As a result, there are two new paintings I can share with you.  Both started with a vibrant warm green.   If you enlarge the image you can better see the delicate frosty texture I love so much.  It is slow and careful work to keep the frosty crystals from being damaged.  Adding or removing paint can “kill” the crystals.   Below are two of these new paintings!

Breaking Through

“Breaking Through”

I am thrilled to report that this painting, “Breaking Through” has been accepted into the International Watercolor Exhibition (IWE),  in Houston, TX.  This 22″ x 30″ painting is one of my totally non-objective watercolors that I so enjoy working with.


Frost Warning

“Frost Warning”

“Frost Warning” is 22″ x 30″ and has been entered into the International Society of Experimental Artists (ISEA).  My fingers are crossed for another acceptance.


Both of these paintings will be on my website and available for purchase when they return from exhibition.  I do not plan to make any reproductions.  If interested, you can put in a request for “first right of refusal”.  Until then my friends,  share the vision to see winter’s beauty and ….. keep warm!   Kathleen

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