15 Nov Autumn News
Autumn, besides beautiful Fall colors, preparation for winter and Holiday anticipation is the season for art competitions. I will be taking some of my “creative time” and applying it to the computer to navigate the tech world of ever changing on-line entering! This includes resizing images, filling out forms and mustering patience to wait for results.
There is a very inspiring kickstart to my entering that I am thrilled to share with you. I just received word from the New England Watercolor Society (NEWS): “Congratulations, you have won the Memorial Award for Innovation in Art” – $500 for ‘Lines of Change‘ featured above. I’m especially honored to have received this personal critique from the judge, international master Paul Jackson: “Adventurous use of line, playing off the knots of phone and electric cable make this painting energetic and inviting. The hint of a narrative, limited palette and clever use of detail show the artist’s mastery of medium”.
I’ll be going to the studio today with an extra bounce in my step!
Stay safe, be well and Art often, my friends! Whatever your creative medium may be from cooking to gardening to making gifts, we’ll get through this together! Giving thanks for all of you, Kathleen
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